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Deepen Your Relationship with Yourself, Your Riches and "The Ones" Who You Are Meant to Meet to Bring Your Visions to Life

This Riches Bundle is specifically designed so that you continue to embrace the essence of The Science of Getting Rich and being an "advancing personality" (being "The One") so that the Universe continuously conspires in your favor!

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Receiving Your Riches - Hard Copy
This spiral bound book contains the original text of The Science of Getting Rich along with reflection and journal prompts, evidence tracker and original content by Nancy Matthews to enhance your experience in receiving YOUR riches! (Value $37)
The One Philosophy (Autographed)
This book is the blueprint on how to be The One for others and experience the magic of others being The One for you. The six (6) principles of living The One are an easy to follow blueprint for your day to day life and you’ll love the miracles that come into view as you embrace The One Philosophy. (Value $17)
One Month Trial Membership in The People Skills Academy
Full access to class materials provided by international experts in human behavior, communications, leadership, entrepreneurship and more. Two live classes every month with Nancy Matthews and expert faculty to sharpen and practice your communication skills in an inclusive and collaborative environment providing practical strategies to bring into your daily life. (Value $49)
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The One Philosophy - A Powerful Life-Enhancing Book


Following the principles set forth in this book is the way we were meant to live and experience each other. It will result in a more abundance life for you and for those whose lives you touch.

Bob Burg, Co-Author of The Go-Giver

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