Registration Confirmed!
Wednesday, January 26th
 (6 to 8pm Eastern)

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Improving Your People Skills is the Fastest Path to a Better Life for You and for Others Too!

Wednesday, January 26th

6pm to 8pm (Eastern)

Zoom Link for Symposium

Meeting ID: 373 999 1111
Passcode: betheone

Faculty Experts Share Insights, Perspectives & Strategies for Improved Communications 

Join us for this experiential symposium featuring our highly-skilled and qualified line-up of experts and thought leaders.

Here are just a few of the nuggets you’ll learn when you join us for this Symposium:

Reduce conflict, stress, irritation, frustration and disappointment
Increase your happiness quotient
Enjoy greater productivity and effectiveness for yourself and from others
Get more support and cooperation from family, friends and coworkers

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